Flavio Man was born in Tucuman, north of Argentina, in 1987. He lived in a small city between mountains, jungle, desert and buildings. This experience and contrasts are part of his art.
After finishing High School in 2004 he studied Fine Arts in UNT, Tucuman. 
Years later he went to Buenos Aires to study film editing in ENERC. The art of the editing is important, because it is a dialog and a construction between images, generating sense and shape from different shots.
He participated in several projects that were in festivals such as Cannes, Montreal.
These years he attended an abstract art Workshop with Juan Astica, learning the language and expression of the abstract art.
In the year 2018 he went to live to Berlin and is still there where he is creating new art and working on exhibitions in different parts of the world.

2022        Tirana International Biennale of Graphic Arts   
                                                    Tirana, Albania

2021        Unter Urban: "Last moment of happyness" Berlin, Germany                                                                          Group Exhibition                            

2020        Arton56th: "Comeback 2020"              Beirut, Lebanon
                                                    Grupal exhibition
2019        Kunst im Raum: "Urban Nature"           Berlin, Germany
                                                    Permanent grupal exhibition
2019        Ugallery                                New York, USA                                                                           Representation
2019        Untergeschoss der Pandora Art Gallery   Berlin, Germany
                                                    Permanent grupal exhibition
2018        Unterurban Kunstgalerie: Urban Infusion Berlin, Germany 
                                                    Solo exhibition with Marie Moon

2018                    Gallery 104                                                                      New York, USA

2018        Untergeschoss der Pandora Art Gallery   Berlin, Germany
                                                    Group exhibition

2018         Zet  Gallery                               Braga, Portugal                                                                                                                                                                                Representation

2016        Bigotes                                 Tucumán, Argentina
                                                    Solo exhibition

2015        Vuela el Pez                            Buenos aires  
                                                    Solo exhibition

2010        Ladran Sancho                           Buenos Aires
                                                    Grupal exhibition

2009        Zaguan sur                              Buenos Aires
                                                    Grupal exhibition

2006        Bigotes                                 Tucuman
                                                    Grupal exhibition

2005-2009       After finished highschool studies I began to study at the University of Fine Arts in Tucumán.
2009-2012       I got a scholarship from INCAA    (Nacional Institute of Cinematography and Visual Arts) to study at the ENERC school in Buenos Aires, where I    graduated as a director in film editing. 
2014-2017       Abstract art workshop with Juan Astica
Movies and series

2016       OPEN DOORS. Film documentary. Editor. Winner for best documentary movie in Montreal World Film Festival Festival des Films du Monde de Montreal.
2015       ERASE UNA VEZ EN EL NORTE. Tv Serie. Editor and colourist.
2015       TELECITA. Tv documentary. Editor. Participated at Short Film Corner Cannes 2017.
2015       SALAMANCA. Tv documentary. Editor. Participate at Short Film Corner Cannes 2016.
2015       EL FAMILIAR. Tv documentary. Editor. Participate at Short Film Corner Cannes 2016
2013       VENIMOS DE MUY LEJOS. Fiction movie. Assistant editor.
2012       INTUICIÓN. Short film. Editor.
2011       LOS APARATOS DE MATEO. Film documentary. Editor. Participated at Short Film Corner Cannes 2012
2009       ELVIRA EN EL RIO LORO. Experimental documentary. Winner for best short film by critic’s award in Mar del Plata Film Festival 2009.

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